Thursday, April 1, 2010


This is my first entry on my blog page. Not for sure why I am going to do this, but here I am typing away into the vast world of nothingness. My blog is going to be dedicated mostly to my time spent on the water in my kayak!!!

It will cover the places I will go to; rivers, lakes or oceans, the people that go with me and the stories that may occur on such journeys into the world of kayaking.

March 30 2010

This was the start of the kayak season for me. I went to lake Roosevelt, its a small lake, but a good one to just get out for the day and have fun. Maybe try out new items that you just purchased.

Due to it being early in the season the dock was not set up yet. This meant that I had to push off from the ledge. This was a fun time indeed, upon my entry into the lake I almost flipped. Once I started pushing off the bank, my kayak went down and down and down again. I was starting to worry that the kayak was going to keep going down in the water and not flatten out on the surface. Lucky for me right as the water line was about to hit the entrance to my kayak, it leveled out and I was in the sinking today for me or tipping.

While on the water I wanted to go investigate a bridge that was near the area where I had entered the lake. I paddle over to the bridge and proceeded to go underneath it with no problems. Once I had passed under the bridge I was heading up a little tiny stream. I only made it a few feet then had to trun around because I was starting to bottom out.

I found a nicer place to exit the lake on the other side just a few yards up from where I had made the big plunge into the water. I left the water with out incendent.

April 1, 2010

Today was a great day. I didnt get to go on the water in the kayak, however I did get a new paddle. I finally got me a 220, which is the correct lenght for me. My old paddle is way to long, its a 240. For those of you that dont know that is like me trying to kayak with a flag pole. I now have my new paddle and I am ready to get out there and take on the world of water.

Well this is what has happend so far for me this kayak season of 2010. I hope that I will be able to go on a good number of trips, have lots of fun and interesting stories to tell you.

1 comment:

  1. Wow what an informative blog!!!!!!!! Wooohooo I wish there was something I could purchase off this site. Maybe a water proof sack or something. This site needs banner ads and sponsors and maybe a famous spokes person like Jimmy dean or Sally field!!!! Maybe they are able to lend a hand, instead of "field and stream", you can have "field and dean". Ohhhh the possibilities!!!!!!
