Thursday, April 22, 2010

Keep Australia On Your Left

Here is a review for the book "KEEP AUSTRALIA ON YOUR LEFT" wrote by Eric Stiller.

The book is a disaster, when you read the description of it, it sounds so interesting and seems like it would be a high energy non stop read. However its not, the book starts off slow and never picks up. I kept waiting for it to get better, "just one more chapter and this will get good" never did.

The author obviously had sponsors and is keen on making sure everyone knows who they are. He mentions them in the book and tells the process he went threw getting them. There is no need for him to do this because he goes on and on about them for a whole chapter. I wonder if that was in his contract with them. To give a whole chapter to the kayak company that gave him the boat and other supplies. I will not talk about that company here on my blog.

Next he talks about; complains about his yak mate. He obviously does not like him and goes on and on about how he does everything wrong and has the wrong attitude for the trip. Which in my opinion it sounds like Eric had the bad attitude.

He spends most of the time writing about how miserable he is. How much he hates being with his yak mate. He hardly ever writes about being on the water and when he does he is telling us how much he wants to get to the next town and get out of the ocean.

The author comes off as a professional complainer, which is how the book reads. I found it hard to finish the book. I really tried to force myself to read all of it but I couldn't do it. I got about half way and had to stop I couldn't take anymore. PLEASE take my advice and skip this sinking ship of a book. I give this book .............. ONE KAYAK with a HOLE.

1 comment:

  1. Best post yet!!!!!!! Great work!!! Time to reach out and hold someone accountable!!!
