Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Bats' in the ---

BATS in the ---Bathroom!!! That's right my bathroom. I was going to go use the restroom as us human beings do frequently and I heard this sound. I was thinking it was paper flapping on the being the Sherlock Holmes that I am I go to investigate. Okay this is the point in the story where I should have just backed out of the room nice and slowly; do I do that? NO of course not.

As I look around the hamper I see a big mean nasty blood sucking vampire brought up from the gates of hell bat. So naturally I scream and jump, which scares the big mean nasty blood sucking vampire brought up from the gates of hell bat and it starts to attack me and charge me. I then proceed to run out the room, one little problem the door is shut. I go to open it and in my panic I forget the door is locked, hey you would to if a big mean nasty blood sucking vampire brought up from the gates of hell bat was attacking you.

Now it's getting serious this big mean nasty blood sucking vampire brought up from the gates of hell bat is flopping on the floor making it's way toward me and in my panic I can't get the door unlocked. I thought about giving up on the lock and grabbing the hamper and throwing it at the devil spawn bat from hell but then I stop and think to myself I don't want to reach anywhere near the thing to get the hamper. I give the lock one last try and it turns and I safely and very calmly leave the restroom like any gentleman would...yeah your right I RAN LIKE HELL!!! SHUT THE DOOR AND DIDN'T LOOK BACK...thank goodness I didn't piss myself.

In conclusion I must say that if any of my friends throw a party for Halloween go ahead and scratch the BIG MEAN NASTY BLOOD SUCKING VAMPIRE BROUGHT UP FROM THE GATES OF HELL BAT decorations. I think I can honestly say that I have had my fill of these little critters. This is the second time I have been attacked by a bat!!! I think I am going to become best friends with the guy who invents Bat Repellent.

Hope you stay safe, avoid the big mean nasty blood sucking vampire brought up from the gates of hell bat, and PADDLE ON!!!

1 comment:

  1. That was the best story ever told! I can so see you running and screaming :D I'm literally lmao :D Ahhh, I suggest for you this link:

    P.S. We are all planning on playing volleyball at Uncle Dan's this weekend, if you want to come up and don't mind the drive, maybe you could stay a night or the weekend :D It's going to be greaT!!!!
