Thursday, August 19, 2010

Amy and Keith Big Darby Creek August, 13th 2010


  1. Dude where are the new posts? I miss my Otter feed :)

  2. Well I am going back and forth about keeping it going during the off season...maybe finding a different them for the winter months. Have any ideas for a winter blog?

  3. Yeah, I totally understand that. You should try World Press for your "winter" blog. Well lets see, theme(s)... (1) Drums, (2) Traveling, (3) Book Reviews, (4) Movie Reviews, (5) Combo of 3&4, and (6)My personal fav. Tea! I was actually thinking about doing a Tea blog, would you want to do a joint blog on Tea?! Ooo I totally want to :D Let me know. Hope your having a good day! Miss ya!

  4. A dual tea blog would be neat, we could have tea tasteing and rate them 1 to 10 and give our avg rateing to our fans. :)...DID some one say TEA?
